Early Childhood Education

An Early Childhood Education degree will help you develop the necessary skills in observing and assessing young children and in planning developmentally appropriate curriculum in all subject areas.

Why You Should Choose Manor

Manor College’s Early Childhood education program places heavy emphasis on using developmentally appropriate practices with children. The program provides students with authentic and innovative experiences to learn course content while aligning with standards set from the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Additionally, this program can be transferred into a baccalaureate certification program at Manor College.

Read the Suggested Curriculum Sequence.

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Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program will be prepared for careers as:

  • Lead and assistant teachers in child care centers
  • Early intervention
  • Head Start, including Early Head Start
  • Classroom assistant teachers
  • Therapeutic Support Staff
  • Teacher’s Aid


Manor College Alumni Are Employed At:

Meet Early Childhood Education Graduate Aurora Mattern ’12

Meet Professor Dr. Cherie Crosby-Weeks


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