Defining Classroom Accommodations

The following accommodations may be applied but are not limited to lectures, in-class assignments, and take-home assignments. These modifications can be used both inside and outside of the classroom.

Note: ALL accommodations are used with advanced notice from the student and professor discretion is advised as needed.

Preferential Seating Front and Back Classroom

Allows qualified students to have preference when selecting a seat in class. This seat will be the student’s throughout the semester.

Use of Assistive Technologies When in the Classroom (i.e., notetaker, closed captioning, calculator, recording of lectures, use of laptop/iPad/tablet)

Allows qualified students to use assistive technologies while in the classroom. This includes, but is not limited to, taking photos of white board notes and recording lectures with permission from the professor.

Reduced Distractions Class/Lab

During registration, advisors will make an effort to place students in a course with minimal students to reduce distractions while learning. (NOTE: The student will be made aware that small classroom settings are not always possible as class size can grow, but  efforts will be made to support the student.)

Support the Use of Alternative Instructional Format

Qualified students will have access to alternative formats of course materials. Transcription, PowerPoint, audiobook, cc, can be granted to qualified students.

Additional/Flexible Time Submitting Assignments

Qualified students will be allotted additional time to turn in assignments at the professor’s discretion and with advanced notice from the student.

Spelling Not Counted On Assignments (excludes program specific terms)

Qualified students will not be penalized for spelling on assignments. This excludes the spelling of program specific terms.

Breaks During Class

Qualified students will be allotted a 10-minute break for every 1 hour of class.

Food/Drink in Class

Qualified students will be permitted to bring food and drink into the classroom setting due to medical conditions disclosed to the Disabilities Officer. (NOTE: Food/drink is not permitted in sterile lab environments or computer labs, no exceptions.)

Considerations With Regards to Excused Absence/Lateness

Qualified students with appropriate documentation will have excused absences and excused lateness from class due to medical or family circumstances. This accommodation will be permitted, within reason, and when the reasons have been disclosed to and approved by the Disabilities Officer.

Use of Assistive Equipment

The student will have the capability to use assistive technologies while in class. Examples of assistive technologies are noise canceling headphones, ear plugs, hearing aids, wheelchairs, communication aids, spectacles, prostheses, and memory aids.