Defining Testing Accommodations

The following accommodations are some, but are not all, of the modifications used when a student is taking a test, exam, or assessment. These modifications may be used inside and outside of the classroom.

Note: ALL accommodations are used with advanced notice from the student and professor discretion is advised as needed.

Testing Additional Time 1.5 (extra 50%)

Extended time 1.5 (time-and-a-half) allows qualified students to have 50% more time to complete a test/exam/assessment than that given to other students. This accommodation is given at the discretion of the professor and with advanced notice from the student. (E.g., Professor allows 1 hour to complete an exam. The student has an accommodation of 1.5 time, allotting the student 1.5 hours to complete the exam.)

Testing Additional Time 2 (extra 100%)

Extended time 2 (double time) allows qualified students to have 100% more time to complete a test/exam/assessment than that given to other students. This accommodation is given at the discretion of the professor and with advanced notice from the student. (E.g., Professor allows 1 hour to complete an exam. The student with an accommodation of 2x time would be allotted 2 hours to complete the exam.)

Reduced Distractions Environment

Allows qualified students to be placed in an environment with lessened distractions. This could mean placing the student in another room with fewer students or allowing the student to complete the test/exam/assessment in the testing center. This accommodation is given at the discretion of the professor and with advanced notice from the student.

Separate Testing Environment

Allows qualified students to take their test/exam/assessment in a different environment than the assigned classroom. This could mean placing the student in another classroom alone or in the testing center to complete the test/exam/assessment. This accommodation is given at the discretion of the professor and with advanced notice from the student.

Use of Assistive Technologies When Testing (i.e., calculator, iPad/tablet, ear plugs, etc.)

Allows qualified students to use assistive technologies when completing exams/tests/assessments.

Break During Testing

Qualified students may be allowed a 10-minute break pre hour during the time that a test/exam/assessment is being given.

Spelling Not Counted When Testing (excludes program specific terms)

Allows qualified students to not be penalized for spelling on a test/exam/assessment.  This excludes program specific terms.

Food/Drink Allowed When Testing

Allows qualified students to bring food/drink into their testing environment. (NOTE: Food/drink is not permitted in sterile lab environments, lab environments, and computer labs; no exceptions.)