Michael Landis

Director of Liberal Arts and Liberal Studies



B.A. English Literature Muhlenberg College

  • M. Div. Yale University Divinity School


Comparative Religious Studies, Biomedical Ethics, Eco-Psychology, Noetic Studies


  • On Thursday, May 3, 2001 co-presented with Dr. Madeline Seltzer at the Lycoming College Conference on Teaching Excellence in Williamsport, PA “Empowering Students With Heroic Assignments,” derived from material and data generated from the EN101 Honors and EN102 Honors core-curriculum course sequence.
  • On Thursday, November 1 and Friday, November 2, 2001, attended and co-presented at the “Making Connections in the Humanities” Conference in Tempe Arizona, sponsored by DeVry Institute.
  • On Friday, October 25, 2002, in conjunction with Dr. Madeline Seltzer and Senior Associate Professor Anne Knop, presented “Empowering Students With Heroic Assignments” at the annual Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) Eastern Division Conference at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City
  • On Thursday, November 7, 2003, in conjunction with Dr. Madeline Seltzer, presented “Empowering Students With Heroic Assignments” at the Seventh Annual Conference On Learning Communities and
  • Collaboration (sponsored by Delta College; Indiana University—Purdue University, Indianapolis; Metropolitan Community College of Kansas City, MO; and William Rainey Harper College) in Traverse City, Michigan.
  • Co-facilitated a conference presentation entitled “Deep Place Writing” at the Community College Humanities Association 2003 National Conference, on Friday, October 31, 2003 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • On Saturday, November 13, 2004, co-delivered a presentation entitled
  • “From Deep Place to Deep Places” at the 2004 Community College
  • Humanities Association’s (CCHA’S) Pacific-Western Division
  • Conference designated “The Humanities: Making Connections,
  • Exploring Ecologies,” in Seattle, Washington.
  • On Wednesday, June 14, 2006 co-delivered a presentation entitled “Deep Place” at the N.E.W.-C.U.E. Annual Conference in Honor of Rachel Carson in Boothbay Harbor, Maine.
  • On Friday, November 7, 2008, co-presented with Dr. Madeline Seltzer Transformations…Crossing the Limen… at the annual Community College Humanities Association (CCHA)-Pacific-Western-Division Conference, entitled Transformations: Our Classrooms, Our Students, Our Selves… in Portland, Oregon.
  • On Friday, October 30, 2009 co-presented with Dr. Madeline Seltzer Transformations…Crossing the Limen… at the annual Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) National Conference in Chicago, Illinois, as a function of being asked to re-present pursuant to the presentation of the same title at the CCHA-Pacific-Western Division Conference in Fall 2008.
  • Co-presented with Dr. Madeline Seltzer a 45 minute multimedia lecture on the development of Ernesto Guevara from an ardent medical student to acclaimed revolutionary, “El Che”: “From Ernesto to ‘El Che’: Tracing the Transformation Trajectory” at the Community College Humanities Association, Pacific Western Division, Conference in Portland, Oregon from October 25 to 28, 2012 (the theme of this conference was “Making Histories in the Humanities”).
  • In April of 2018, in collaboration with Dr. Madeline Seltzer, presented a poster entitled Zusatzen:  Illumination Quotients…Neuro-Noetic Scapes:  Learning Curriculum Design and Implementation as an Heuristic for Realizing a a Neuro-Noetic Mapping, Imaging, Imagining, and Information System., highlighting the 19-year-longitudinally-developed content, pedagogy, and student learning response to the the team-taught interdisciplinary EN101 Honors and EN102 Honors course sequence, at the biennial Science of Consciousness conference at the University of Arizona’s Center for Consciousness Studies.


Full-Time Professor of Philosophy and Religion Manor College 1994-Present


Being a full-time Dad to my beloved son, Alexander “Chinook” Landis, homesteading as much as I can in my Shangri La–my “Hinterlands” in the wild and scenic Selkirk Mountains of Northeastern Washington State, apprenticing in ethno-ecological ways in Washington state and Pennsylvania, mountaineering and backpacking, canoeing and kayaking, and organic gardening


  • RS103
  • RS107
  • PL100
  • PL101
  • PL216
  • EN075
  • EN085
  • EN090
  • EN101 (Honors and Non-Honors)
  • EN102(Honors and Non-Honors)
  • EN103
  • various independent studies