Students at the Manor College Career FairAccess to Career Center:

The Career Center provides services to multiple groups as outlined below.

New & Incoming Students

Throughout your time at Manor you will be working towards your personal definition of success. Whether you’re pursuing an internship, graduate school, or a job offer, the Career Center is here to empower and guide you in defining and navigating your journey.

Preparing for Your First Appointment (Tips & Tricks)
Deciding to stop by the Career Center is a great first step in your first-year student Career Readiness journey. You do not need to know what you want to discuss when you make your appointment. Just schedule an appointment by logging into Handshake.

Before the Appointment 
Not sure what to talk about? Do not worry our Career Center staff are here to help with any of these topics and more!

  • Need help creating or editing a resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, or portfolio?
  • Want to explore what career opportunities to look into, based on your interests & skills?
  • Want to find your next step, whether it’s a summer job or internship, or it’s finding events on-campus that can help you get to know professionals in your field of interest?
  • Preparing for a job or internship interview, or need help finding applications that fit your wants and needs?


During the Appointment 
To remind you, advising is a conversation. Your advisor is looking to personalize this time with you in any way that best fits your upcoming goals–even if you haven’t quite figured out your next steps. Ask questions, share important and specific details that will allow your advisor to help you find fitting opportunities, and keep in touch with your advisor, because they will be a crucial resource during your time at Manor and beyond.

After the Appointment
You did it! You completed your first appointment at the Career Center. Check out some additional recommended next steps:

  • Create a Handshake student account, to receive information about upcoming industry events, job and internship opportunities, and more.
  • Keep in touch with your advisor! You are encouraged to schedule another appointment with your advisor for additional information or guidance. (You can even do so after you graduate!)



Alumni have full access to services including advising.

User Agreements

For use of the Manor College Career Center
The Manor College Career Center is committed to complying with the ethical standards of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and expects students, alumni and employers to be honest and professional in the internship and job search process.

All users who choose to participate in Career Center must abide by the following agreement. By logging into the Career Center’s online systems, Handshake, FOCUS2 you are indicating that you will adhere to the following standards:

I will:

  • Provide accurate and honest information on my profile, resume, and job search documents and in my interactions with employers. Examples include but are not limited to GPA, major and student status.
  • Any information provided and all usage of my account will accurately reflect my identity.
  • Be responsible for selecting an internship or job position. I understand that although the Career Center reviews postings, the posting of an internship or job on this site does not mean that the Career Center is making any recommendations, representations or guarantees regarding the internship or job. I also understand I am responsible for requesting additional information from a potential internship site or employer as necessary to make my employment decisions.
  • Keep ALL interview appointments with employers or notify employers and the Career Center in advance of any emergency requiring me to cancel my commitment. I understand that I must cancel or reschedule interviews in advance. I understand that late cancellations require an apology email or phone call to the employer, and that the Career Center must be copied or notified.
  • I understand that if I do not keep my scheduled interview and do not notify the Career Center in advance, I am considered a “no-show”. I understand that in the event of a “no-show”, I cannot interview or access job openings via Handshake until I meet with a member of the Employer Engagement team or send an apology email or phone call to the employer on which the Career Center is copied or otherwise notified. I understand that if I “no-show” two times, I will lose my access to Handshake.
  • I understand that I can find all policies listed here: On-Campus Interviewing Policies
  • Accept interviews with employers in which I have a sincere interest and prepare for each professionally knowing that I represent both myself and Manor College.
  • Honor my acceptance of an internship or job offer. Once I accept an offer, I will withdraw from consideration for other opportunities and discontinue my job search. I will advise the Career Center staff of any extenuating circumstances that may cause me to re-evaluate my internship/job acceptance before notifying the employer.
  • Conduct myself in accordance with all College policies and procedures. I understand that my conduct, both in-person and on-line, must comply with all College policies and procedures.
  • Keep appointments made with the Career Center staff and inform them if I cannot keep my commitment for any reason.
    Accept the consequences of losing Career Center privileges if I do not comply with the student agreement. I understand that some violations of this User Agreement may also violate other University policies, including the Code of Student Responsibility. In some instances, violations of this User Agreement will be referred to appropriate College offices for further follow-up.
  • Manor College Career Center encourages you to notify a staff member at if you perceive any violations of ethical conduct on the part of employers. We appreciate you joining us in committing to the highest standards of ethical behavior relating to the internship or job search process.