Career Center
Career Center
Manor’s Career Center can help with career exploration strategies for your academic major to set you up for professional success.
At Manor College Career Services, we cultivate a strong, diverse community of future leaders. We host a wide range of career development programs and events to stay on the cutting edge of industry opportunities, build and maintain connections with employers, alumni, faculty and staff. We create innovative, holistic professional programs that lead to meaningful experiences, mentorship opportunities and partnerships. These opportunities instill a strong sense of self-awareness and self-confidence, and help students establish a strong personal brand, based on NACE career competencies. Manor College Career Services positions students to become agents of change.
The Manor College Career Center has been recognized for its leadership in helping students earn degrees and certificates for careers that are in demand. Our Career Center can help you explore options for selecting your academic major and your professional career path. Remember your major determines the courses you take but not necessarily the job you’ll do after graduation. Some majors lead to specific careers, but many do not. We help you set realistic goals and plan steps to reach them.
Manor College Career Center Ethical Standards: NACE