In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Manor College does not discriminate against an otherwise qualified individual based on a physical or mental disability. Manor College will make reasonable academic adjustments that do not change or diminish the outcomes, measures, standards, or grading policies of a course or program.

To be eligible for appropriate accommodations the student must complete the following steps:

  • Complete the Request for Academic Accommodation and submit the completed and signed form to Anessa Rodriguez, Academic Success Advisor/Disability Service Officer.
  • Provide a copy of the student’s most recent Individualized Education Program (IEP) and/or documentation prepared by an appropriate professional, which establishes a disability as defined by the ADA.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Requesting accommodations is the responsibility of the student. It is recommended that all requests be processed at least two to three weeks prior to the start of the semester. Accommodations are in effect for one semester only. Students may reapply each term. 


You may submit the Accommodations Request form, and supporting documentation, to the Office of Disability Services via email at, Subject: APPLICATION FOR ACCOMMODATIONS

Students must be registered for classes in order for accommodations to be granted.

Anessa Rodriguez 
Academic Success Advisor/Disability Service Officer 
Basileiad Building – 3rd Floor
215-885-2360  ext. 1240


You Belong Here

Manor College has a strong mission to embrace an individualized approach to education. Students at Manor are able to empower themselves through innovative programs that encourage them to be critical thinkers, overcome obstacles, and be the future of our world. By providing ample opportunities to each student they are able to explore equal opportunities available to them both inside and outside of the classroom at Manor.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
The ADA is a federal civil rights act that was put into place to protect and prohibit the discrimination against those who have a disability both physically and mentally. The ADA guarantees that those with a clinically diagnosed disability will have the same opportunities as everyone else while working, in school, or in the community throughout the duration of their life.

Defining Accommodations

What does it mean to have accommodation in college? An accommodation is a legally mandated modification or service provided to a person with a disability. The accommodations that are offered are meant to provide equal access and opportunities to the student while they are in college.

Faculty, Staff, and Students are all able to gain access to this information via the Manor College website or the Disabilities Office.

Any questions regarding accommodations can be directed to the Disabilities Services Officer:

Accommodations Process:

1. A student who contacts the Disabilities Office wanting accommodations will be provided with a Request for Accommodations form that they will fill out.

       a. Within the Request for Accommodations is a “Provider Section” where their doctor will explain their diagnosis and recommend specific accommodations based on the diagnosis they disclosed on the form.

       b. If the student has an IEP they will provide this, instead of filling out the “Provided Section” on the Request for Accommodations form.

             i. Their IEP will help provide information related to accommodations they received in high school. The Disabilities Officer will interpret the IEP and make suitable/reasonable accommodations that the student can use while at Manor.

2. After the Disabilities Officer has reviewed the Request for Accommodations form they will provide the student and all professor’s that the student listed with an Accommodations Letter that outlines all the accommodations that the student will have for that semester.

3. The student is responsible for renewing accommodations every semester via the Renewal of Accommodation form.