Financial Aid

94% of students receive financial aid
It’s not just that Manor College awards nearly $600,000 in scholarships each year that cover full and partial tuitions. It’s that we take the time through personalized, one-on-one counseling to make sure our students who qualify for financial aid and countless scholarships and grants receive the assistance they deserve.
Because we evaluate every student’s financial needs on an individual basis, and work resolutely to match every student with aid opportunities, it’s no surprise that 94% of all our students receive tuition assistance with the help of hardworking counselors of our financial aid office.
1:1 ratio for Financial Aid counseling
While most Manor College financial aid awards are given based on the federal definitions, including exceptional financial need, we also provide merit-based awards without consideration to financial need.
Our long list of scholarships and grants reflects substantial opportunities, including those for veterans, student employment and work-study opportunities.
Nearly $600,000 total scholarship awarded each year
Let us help you find the one that’s just right for you. But be sure to apply early; the earlier you apply, the better your chances to receive limited funds. Speak to a financial aid counselor today by calling (215) 884-6051 or contact us at
FAFSA Code: 003294
Do not apply for FAFSA with a high school or college email address