What is the CARES Committee?
The CARES Committee embodies Manor College’s Core Values:
Catholic Basilian Tradition of Community, Hospitality and a Global Vision of Humanity
Academic Excellence Through Personalized Education, Effective Teaching and a Belief in Lifelong Learning
Respect for the Dignity of Each Person
Experiences that Transform Our Students
Service to the Community
The mission of the Manor College CARES Committee is to promote dignity and social justice, which are crucial for creating a space where all members feel valued. By focusing on programming, community outreach, and enacting policies, the committee will take a proactive approach to addressing issues of belonging.
The committee serves in an advisory capacity to collaborate with Executive Leadership. Through monthly meetings, we are able to leverage our collaborative efforts to develop and monitor programming, initiatives and policies to support the Manor College community.
Committee Members
CARES Committee Lead Chair: Timothy Yancy, Ed.D, Interim Dean, Business, Education, and Professional Studies
CARES Committee Co-Chair: Carol Havens, Human Resources Manager and Employee Engagement
Allison Mootz, Vice President of Student Affairs – Liaison to Board of Trustees
Anthony Machcinski, Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications
Cherie Crosby-Weeks, Ph.D, Professor and Program Director of Teacher Education Programs
Elinore Leonards, Title III Program Director/Act 101 Program Director
Tracey White-Peay, Executive Assistant to the President
Snehal Talati, Strategic Consultant
Anessa Rodriguez, Academic Success Advisor/Disabilities Service Officer
Ashlee Hofner, Director of Student Engagement and Residence Life
Amy McLaughlin, Director of Professional Development and Instructional Design
Sr. Ann Laszok
Policy and Human Resources Work Group
Student Initiatives and Outreach Work Group
Faculty, Staff, Board Liaison
CARES Outreach, Programs and Initiatives
Social Justice Symposium
Women’s History Month Series
Book Club Series
Fostering a supportive environment for everyone in the community
Manor College Mission Statement
Manor College believes that personalized education in the Judeo-Christian tradition generates a commitment to a peaceful world, which inspires confidence in the present and hope for the future. Manor’s Basilian environment enables students to fully develop as individuals and instills an understanding of scientific, humanistic and ethical principles so students form a global vision. Manor also believes that graduation begins a new chapter of lifelong learning.
By maintaining academic excellence through current, innovative programs and encouraging students to develop a sense of inquiry, their critical thinking, effective communication skills, and by providing opportunities to serve the community, Manor graduates are prepared to serve society effectively and compassionately.
Manor College Solidarity Statement
The Manor College Community is committed to equity for all people of every race and ethnicity, especially those who are oppressed.
We stand for our students, we stand for our faculty and staff, we stand for our alumni, we stand for our supporters and community members, we stand in solidarity with those who never tolerate racism.
This is in our calling, our charism, our history. Who we are as a College community is rooted in the founding principles of St. Basil the Great, who was a true champion for social justice. Among our core values is “respect for the dignity of each person”, and we reaffirm that today. We are committed to a peaceful world which inspires confidence in the present and hope for the future. We plan to continue a dialogue around these issues to build community now and well into the future and work toward the goal of ending racism and injustice.