This page has been created to fulfill Manor College’s compliance with the disclosure requirements under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA).

The Student Consumer Information provided will give students, parents and the community the required information about Manor College, such as graduation and transfer rates, and safety and security information.

Manor College is authorized by the State of Pennsylvania Department of Education and is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), 1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801, (267) 284-5000. The Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Commission on Postsecondary Accreditation.

For a copy of Manor College’s MSCHE Statement of Accreditation Status (SAS) please go to Manor College’s Status page on the MSCHE website at

United States Department of Education Recognition
MSCHE is recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidacy status) activities for institutions of higher education, including distance education and correspondence education programs offered at those institutions, throughout the United States. USDE recognizes accrediting agencies deemed authorities on the quality of higher education. Under the Higher Education Act’s (HEA’s) federal student aid programs, accrediting agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education must meet the Department’s regulatory criteria. MSCHE is a Title IV gatekeeper and is a link to federal programs, and institutions access Title IV through MSCHE accreditation.

Visit the United States Department of Education website for more information
Read the 2023 Decision Letter from USDE

Scope of recognition: the accreditation and preaccreditation (“Candidacy status”) of institutions of higher education including distance and correspondence education programs offered at those institutions.

Geographic Area of Accrediting Activities: Throughout the United States.

Manor College promotes an engaging and challenging learning environment. Multiple viewpoints and differences of opinion in an educational environment are reasonable and expected. Students enjoy multiple rights and responsibilities in addressing issues and concerns through established governance and due process. For specific information on how to address your concerns, please refer to the College Catalog. If you are unable to resolve these concerns at the College level, please see the Commission’s guidelines for filing a complaint at or through the Department of Education website at

Choosing a college is a personal decision; it means finding a place that is right for you. There are many things to consider: programs and majors, the diversity of the student body, graduation rates, the ability to transfer to continue your education at a four-year school, campus safety, overall cost, class size—all of these are important considerations.

The following links provide you with some of this information and are intended to help you in your decision-making process.

The Student Body:

The diversity of its student body is one of the great strengths of Manor. View our student population.

Credentialing Exam Performance and Employment Rate Information for Graduates of Vocationally Orientated Programs 

View exam performance and employment rate information.

Graduation and Transfer-out Rates:

What happens to students who enroll at Manor? Take a look at our retention, graduation and transfer rates.  For example, of those new first-time students  who entered in Fall, 2013, over 65% either graduated, moved on to continue their education, or were still enrolled at Manor in Spring, 2016. For more information about how new First-Time, Full-Time Freshman who started in Fall, 2013 fared by major after three years, view the cohort comparison.

Campus Security:

The safety, security and welfare of our students, staff and visitors here at Manor College is our number one priority.  Keeping everyone informed, alert and aware is a great way to protect against campus crime.  While our Security Department is here to protect and serve the Manor Community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Campus Security is everyone’s responsibility. View a detailed record of Manor’s yearly crime statistics, which is mandated by the Clery Act.

Privacy of Student Records—Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) dictates what student information may be released, to whom it may be given, and the circumstances by which these transactions may occur.  The College adheres strictly to these provisions. Students wishing to grant parent’s or guardians permission to review their records must sign a release form. Click here to see more on FERPA and Confidentiality at Manor.


Academic Program Learning Outcomes
Articulation Agreements
Career Planning Services
Distance Education Students Physically Located Outside of Pennsylvania
Driving Directions
Dual Admission Agreements
Educational Programs
Electronic Communications Policy
Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities
HEOA Website
Manor College Calendar
Net Price Calculator
Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid
Service Organizations and Clubs
Textbook Information
Transfer of Credit, Credit for Prior Learning & CLEP
Tuition and Fees