Manor SealManor College’s colors are blue and white, incorporated into the seal. The outer circle includes the college’s name, founding date and location.

The inner circle is divided into three parts:

Top: The Greek symbol, Chi-Rho (representing Christ) is flanked by the Greek letters, Alpha and Omega (representing Christ as God who is beginning and end).  Curving over the Chi-Rho are the words: “Ego sum via et veritas et vita” which mean: “I am the way, the truth and the life” John 14:6.

Left: The Oak leaf represents courage, fortitude, and perseverance.  Above the Oak leaf are the words “Sancta Macrina” meaning “Saint Macrina,” who was the sister of Saint Basil and the foundress of the Sisters of Saint Basil the Great.  Below the Oak leaf is the word “Fortitudo” meaning “Fortitude” or strength.

Right: The Pillar of Fire represents Saint Basil’s firm faith and intense love of God and all people.  It embodies the sacrifices and labors that Basilian Sisters undertake in God’s name.  Above the Pillar of Fire are the words “Sanctus Basilius” meaning “Saint Basil,” who is the father of Eastern Christian monasticism.  He regarded love as central to Basilian monasticism.  Below the Pillar of Fire is the word “Caritas” meaning “Love.”

The Manor College Motto is “Fortitudo – Caritas” reflecting the virtues of Fortitude and Love which together reflect living life courageously and always mindful of keeping a blessed relationship with God.

The seal is to be used for official purposes/documents only, not as a brand logo.