I hereby release Manor College, its officers, employees, trustee members, agents, and/or assignees from any and all potential or actual claims, legal liabilities, lawsuits, costs, or damages associated with arising from the photographing, recording, use, and/or reproduction of my likeness in the form of photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recording.

I hereby authorize Manor College, its officers, employees, trustee members, agents, and/or assignees to photograph, testimonial, audio record, video record, obtain, reproduce, and/or use my likeness for marketing, educational, or other such reasonable use.

I hereby acknowledge that my photograph, testimonial, audio recording, or video recording is or will be taken and I authorize such photography, testimonial, audio recording, and/or video recording.

By executing this release and waiver, I knowingly and purposefully waive my specific right to privacy, publicity, and all other rights pertaining to the use of my photograph, testimonial, likeness, voice, and/or image. I understand and agree that no compensation of any sort is offered at this time nor will be in the future, other than the valuable consideration constrained within this opportunity to be photographed, printed, audio recorded, video recorded pursuant to this release and waiver. I understand and agree that my participation in this photography, testimonial, video recording, or audio recording session is voluntary and may be used for the publicity and marketing purposes of Manor College or other such reasonable use.

By entering your name above, you recognize that you are signing this document electronically