Empowered by Community: How Manor’s ‘You Belong Here’ Culture Shaped Natasha Moore’s Success

Natasha Moore (Covington Academy, Covington, Georgia) is studying for her Bachelor’s Degree in Business. 

The phrase You Belong Here carries extra meaning at Manor College. It’s a campus-wide philosophy that can be found everywhere from the doors of Mother of Perpetual Help Hall to the large windows that make up the Basileiad Library. 

As Natasha Moore began her college search, she couldn’t help but think to herself, “Do they actually practice that?” 

She worried about her choice, but enrolled at Manor College for the Spring 2023 semester anyway. During the first weeks, Moore stayed to herself – her introverted nature kept her from socializing with other students. But it was during that time that she not only confirmed her decision about enrolling at Manor, but believed in the institution’s You Belong Here culture. 

“I remember working in Business Math and Professor (Leslie) Weinfeld met with me often – even on weekends – to help me get ahead,” Moore said. “That’s when I realized I was at the right place.” 


Moore, a junior studying Business at Manor College, hopes to pursue a career in human resources. 

During an event at the Abington Public Library, Moore spoke to a career counselor, Alvina Peat. The pair spoke about life as a student and her goal in Business. Moore replied, “I want to make people feel seen.” 

The thought drew from Moore’s own experience. Moore didn’t feel seen in grade and high school because of her introverted nature. When she did try to break out of her shell, Moore believed she was being untrue to herself. 

After hearing the story, Peat recommended human resources. 

“I knew about HR, but I just thought they hired and fired people,” Moore laughed. 

Peat connected Moore to two internships this summer – one at Germantown Friends School in Philadelphia helping with onboarding and filing, and a second at Sabre Systems in Warminster doing employee relations and employee engagement. 

The internships gave Moore the connection between classroom lessons at Manor and real-life applications. 

“It’s helped me better understand the business world,” Moore said. “And when we have conversations in class, I can apply my experiences to what we’re learning.” 


Years after finding Manor by an Old York Road street sign, Moore has become ingrained in Manor’s culture. Her time as a Presidential Ambassador led her to be more outgoing. She said it’s not uncommon for her to talk to a stressed-out student and put them at ease. It’s about embodying the You Belong Here culture in her everyday life.

“You can see how she has become more engaged with her work and her classes,” said Thomas Sims, Vice President of Advancement at Manor College, who serves as Moore’s manager. “She’s taken on initiatives around campus and in her personal life, managing with more certainty and intentionality. That’s growth. I can see it in her and she has really come into her own.”

She’s given back to the community, both internally and externally. As a member of Rotaract, she can be found regularly serving with the Jenkintown Food Bank and helps address student concerns as a Student Senate leader.

“Coming to Manor, I do feel seen and heard,” Moore said. “My opinions matter. I don’t have to be outgoing or bubbly to have my voice heard. I can just be me.”

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