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Tracy Davidson

Mento-Moloney is an advocate for mental health, particularly with students. She started the Mento-Moloney Mental Health Fund to address the obstacles that prevent students from achieving more. The fund helps support health and counseling services, advisors and other support services for students.

Stasia has deep roots with the Manor College culture and mission. She is an alum, first and foremost, and she has supported the college in significant ways through exceptional donations and other ways, such as giving of her time in leadership service. Her service on the board and other ways she has supported the college are noteworthy as well. She has spoken at our commencement, attends several of our graduation ceremonies, and otherwise is wonderfully present at so many events and in so many ways.

Stasia is committed to her field, and she brings that level of commitment to Manor College students. Whether directly or indirectly, she engages with our community to help improve lives and meet needs. When Stasia established the Mento-Moloney Mental Health Fund here, she created a resource to help students in an area that is not widely known or even discussed. She has helped us bring mental health issues to light within the student body–and no doubt has helped students reach their goals here because of it.

Being a contributing member of society is central to all Stasia does and the work she engages in. We could not be more enthused to honor a person who cares about the underserved.

Having been a first generation college student herself, Stasia understands our commitment to this demographic. Their apprehension, their concerns about entering college is something that Stasia understands because she lived it herself. And she grew to not only overcome those concerns but become a lifelong learner herself. Her dedication to education is changing lives here at Manor College.