Driven by Service, Manor College Professor Looks to Give Back

Dr. Timothy Yancy is the Interim Dean of Manor College Division of Business, Education and Professional Studies

Acts of service drive Dr. Timothy Yancy. As a kid, he remembers how his grandmother and his parents found ways to get involved in service through their church or volunteer organizations.

As he got older, service has motivated his career as an educator. 

“I’m the type of person that wants to see others succeed and help them achieve their goals,” Dr. Yancy said. 

Dr. Yancy earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Delaware, a Master’s of Business Administration from Strayer University and his Doctorate of Education from Delaware State University. At each stop, faculty and staff members have stepped in to guide him through his education. He remembers how one – a Financial Aid administrator – took time to help him understand the process and find resources. 

To this day, Dr. Yancy still talks to those professors and staff members. Now that he works in higher education, they’ve become a resource to bounce ideas off. It’s that type of connection that he looks to pay forward to students at Manor College. 

“Those connections are important when you’re trying to build your career,” Dr. Yancy said. “It helped me understand how I could do better or do more. They were references and helped me gain access to others. These connections became like extensions of my family.” 

Dr. Yancy came to Manor College in 2023 and serves as the Interim Dean of the Business Division and an Program Director Associate Professor of Sports Management. Additionally, he is the co-chair for Manor College’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility committee. He was driven to Manor because of the institution’s family-like presence and faith-based ideals. 

He cited Manor College’s continued outreach for Ukraine during Russia’s invasion, continued service and faith based events throughout the year

“We’re a smaller institution, but we make a great impact,” Dr. Yancy said. “I believe we’re really trying to effect change. These events, seminars and workshops make Manor College stand out as a school that’s about social justice. There’s only more great things to come.” 

His goal at Manor is to pair Manor’s service with his love of business to help students achieve their dreams. He remembers in a recent semester how he helped connect a sports management student to an internship at a spring basketball league. When the student came back, he raved about the experience.

“I want to be the person that empowers and educates students to be more successful,” Dr. Yancy said. “I feel like the basic skills of business are ones that everyone can use. I feel like I have an entrepreneurial spirit and that I can help others learn those skills and grow in their everyday lives.”

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