Two 30-year faculty members highlight Manor College service awards
All recipients were officially recognized during a ceremony on December 20, 2022.

Manor College recognized more than a dozen faculty and staff on December 20 with service awards, headlined by a pair of faculty members with 30 years of service to the college each.
In total, the 14 honorees totaled 170 years of dedicated service to Manor College. The two faculty with 30 years of service each were Mary Sims and Dr. Virginia Saunders.
Dr. Virginia Saunders, Professor of Allied Health, Director of Dental Hygiene
From 2009 to 2018, Dr. Saunders served as Dean of the Allied Health Division and served as Director of Dental Hygiene since 1995. She’s earned a pair of Teaching Excellence awards since her arrival at Manor College and remains active as a contributing member to the profession of Dental Hygiene.
“Manor has benefited greatly from Dr. Saunders’ broad and deep knowledge of higher education, dental hygiene and allied health administration,” Gerard O’Sullivan, the former interim Vice President of Academic Affairs and current consultant for the institution said. “We are fortunate to have someone among us who is so dedicated to the mission of Manor College and the mission of higher education.”
Outside of her professional career, she is a member of her parish choir, volunteers vigorously in her community and serves as an advisor to junior colleagues across the Delaware Valley.
Mary Sims, Professor and Director of Criminal Justice and Public Policy
Mary Sims began her Manor College career in 1992 and, since then began helping hundreds of students not only by advising them on academics, but also in their career and life choices.
“Whether it’s hosting conferences with her contacts, making trips to court, recommending internships or reviewing resumes, she guides her students to be successful in the workplace,” Thomas Sims, Executive Director of Advancement at Manor College and Mary’s brother, said.
Professor Sims played an integral role in the Leroy Evans case, where Evans was freed after being wrongfully imprisoned for 42 years in September 2022.
“My biggest accomplishment has been the final product, which is that the students have succeeded and in seeing them do so well in their careers,” Professor Sims said. “That’s actually our greatest reward as teachers. The rest is just part of the process.”
Here are the additional service award recipients for 2022.
25 Years
- Christine Cramer Sheaff, Clinical Instructor, Dental Hygiene
10 Years
- Chris Hartman, Director of Financial Aid
- Allison Mootz, Vice President and Dean of Students
- Kelly Peiffer, Vice President of Marketing Communications and Advancement
- Janice Salerno, Vice President of Finance and Facilities
- Matthew Smalarz, Chair of General Education and Professor of History
- Dianne Saridakis, Registrar
5 Years
- Jennifer Buechel, Psychology and Human Services Program Director
- Gina Gantz, Dental Health Center Evening Front Desk
- Brian Haughton, Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice
- Katharina Kilmer, Director of Policy, Compliance and Risk/Executive Assistant to the President and Title IX Coordinator
- Patrick McTamany, Public Safety Officer
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