Manor College Ranked Second Safest College in Country

Manor College has recently been ranked #2 on the list of safest colleges in the country by This list is compiled by analyzing Cleary and FBI data on the following categories: the number of weapon occurrences, drugs, burglary, vehicle theft, arson, larceny, robbery, non-forcible rape, and more. The college’s ranking increased from the third Read more >

Manor College Exceeds Goal to Benefit First-Generation Students

Lourene and Jim Nevels inspire a scholarship campaign at Manor College, and Leslie Turner, 2020 graduation keynote speaker, pledges $100,000 for first-generation student scholarships.  Leading up to fall of 2021 at Manor College there will be thousands of dollars available to first-generation students from underserved communities because of the generosity of Lourene and Jim Nevels.  Read more >