Manor College Ranked #3 on List of Safest Colleges in USA

Manor College has recently been ranked #3 on the list of safest colleges in the country by This list is compiled by analyzing Cleary and FBI data on the following categories: the number of weapon occurrences, drugs, burglary, vehicle theft, arson, larceny, robbery, non-forcible rape and more. Other colleges included on the list are Read more >

Manor College Holds Virtual Ukrainian Dialogue about Political Philosophies of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

Manor College held a Virtual Ukrainian Dialogue on October 15 at 6 p.m via Zoom webinar. Panelists included Ambassador of Ukraine, Volodymyr Yelchenko, Member of Parliament of Ukraine, Honorary Solomiia Bobrovska and Chief Editor of the Kyiv Post, Brian Bonner regarding the political philosophies of President Zelenskyy. President of Manor College, Jonathan Peri facilitated the Read more >