Manor College Ranked Second Safest College in Country

Manor College has recently been ranked #2 on the list of safest colleges in the country by This list is compiled by analyzing Cleary and FBI data on the following categories: the number of weapon occurrences, drugs, burglary, vehicle theft, arson, larceny, robbery, non-forcible rape, and more. The college’s ranking increased from the third spot to the second spot. 

Dr. Jonathan Peri, President of Manor College, stated, Manor has a history of choosing safety first.  If we’re not safe, we can’t learn.  So we lead in the nation because our priority, pandemic or no pandemic, is the safety of our community” said Dr. Peri, President of Manor College. “Our You Belong Here statement invites everyone to Manor to learn and study…safely.” 

Fran Stevenson, Public Safety Officer stated, “We attribute this ranking to the mission and to the great rapport we have with students, faculty, and staff. Providing a safe environment is our ultimate goal so our students can achieve their goals. My goal is to become number one.”

An ID badge swipe system was recently installed across campus as another step to keep the college safe and secure. The College community is thrilled about this new ranking and will continue to keep the safety of the institution as a top priority.