•  If you get a “403 error cannot display page” error; you should click the additional “login” option in the left side navigation.
  • If you get “app not configured for user” you are logged in to an email other than your Manor email.
  •  If you have another non-Manor Gmail account open in your browser: you may have to log out first before logging into Canvas.
  • You will be able to see your Canvas course materials 1 week prior to the official start date of the semester.
  • If you can see your course but cannot see the content: your teacher has not published the course yet.
  • Canvas support is available from the “?” in the blue left side menu. 24/7/365
  • If you do not see all your courses for the term: click “courses” in the left menu, then click “all courses”
  • If you register or make changes to your registration after Canvas opened up for the term you should see the changes in your Canvas within 24 hours.

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